【全新 便利妥Banitore 限定紫色3D口罩推出喇!】

全新 便利妥Banitore 期間限定紫色升級版3D口罩

即日起係 https://bit.ly/35t5on0 就可以率先選購喇!
▸ 購買5 盒 (20片)便利妥Banitore 成人護理口罩 (紫色) (M碼)
▸ 購買5 包 (10片)便利妥Banitore 成人護理口罩 (紫色) (M碼)
▸ 口罩將在1至7個工作天內寄出。
▸ 購買滿500元以上即免運費。
▸ 自取點:柴灣新業街6號安力工業中心5樓501室,辦公時間:星期一至五10:30-18:30

Tel ︰2976 9039
Whatsapp ︰9069 6039
Email ︰sales@vcareseev.com
【NEW Banitore Disposable 3D Medical Mask - Limited Purple Upgrade Version!】
We are aware that the purple color is one of your favorites

Your voice is heard! We are here with good news!
Banitore has launched a NEW limited edition 3D face mask
which is your favorite purple colour!

From now on, you can make your order at https://bit.ly/35t5on0
There are two types of packages for your convenience:
20pcs per box AND 10 pcs per box
Share the good news with your friends who are into purple!!
Now, discount offers are awaiting you!
▸ For each purchase of 5 packages (20 pieces each) Banitore Child Care Mask (Purple) (Size: S)
We offer an additional 10 pieces especially for you!
▸ For each purchase of 5 boxes (10 pieces each) Banitore Child Care Mask (Purple) (Size: S)
We offer an additional 5 pieces especially for you!
While stock lasts, limited quantity
Click on our website to order NOW: www.vcareseev.com
【Delivery Channel】:
- Face Masks would be delivered in 1-7 working days
- $500 or more purchases could enjoy free shipping
- In-person: Unit 501, Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip St Chai Wan, Hong Kong (Working hour: 10:30-18:30 from Monday to Friday)

We welcome corporates and customers to share your design ideas and/or collaborate with us. V Caresee can make your dream come true.
Feel free to contact us for further discussions.
Tel: 29769039
Whatsapp: 90696039
Email: sales@vcareseev.com