【全新 便利妥Bantiore 限定紫色3D口罩有兒童細碼喇!】


全新 便利妥Bantiore 限定紫色3D口罩 兒童細碼開售喇!
即刻click就可以選購啦 : http://bit.ly/3dFpheh

▸購買5 包(10片) 便利妥Bantiore 兒童護理口罩 (紫色) (S碼)
▸購買5 盒 (30片)便利妥Bantiore 兒童護理口罩 (紫色) (S碼)
- 口罩將在1至7個工作天內寄出。
- 購買滿500元以上即免運費。
- 自取點:柴灣新業街6號安力工業中心5樓501室,辦公時間:星期一至五10:30-18:30

Tel ︰2976 9039
Whatsapp ︰9069 6039
Email ︰sales@vcareseev.com
#VCaresee唯心思 #香港口罩 #香港製造 #抗疫口罩 #成人口罩 #三層醫護口罩 #良心口罩 #美國標準ASTMLevel #EN14683TYPEIIR #醫療口罩 #香港人抗疫 #數量有限
【NEW Bantiore Limited Edition - Purple child size 3D Face mask in stock!】
Last week Bantiore has launched an Adult size 3D purple premium limited edition face mask. Feeling unsatisfied because you cannot wear the same type of mask with your whole family?

We are here with good news!

The new Bantiore Limited Edition - Purple child-size 3D Face masks are NOW in stock!
Click into our online store to order NOW: http://bit.ly/3dFpheh
So that everyone could match with a 3D Purple Face Mask! Yeah!

***There is a limited offer for you:
▸For each purchase of 5 packages (10 pieces each) Bantiore Child Care Mask (Purple) (Size: S)
We offer an additional 5 pieces especially for you!
▸For each purchase of 5 boxes (30 pieces each) Bantiore Child Care Mask (Purple) (Size: S)
We offer an additional 15 pieces especially for you!
While stock lasts, limited quantity
Click on our website to order NOW: www.vcareseev.com
【Delivery Channel】:
- Face Masks would be delivered in 1-7 working days
- $500 or more purchases could enjoy free shipping
- In-person: Unit 501, Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip St Chai Wan, Hong Kong (Working hour: 10:30-18:30 from Monday to Friday)

We welcome corporates and customers to share your design ideas and/or collaborate with us. V Caresee can make your dream come true.
Feel free to contact us for further discussions.
Tel: 29769039
Whatsapp: 90696039
Email: sales@vcareseev.com