【V Caresee唯心思三層醫護口罩為你生活增添色彩】
我地V Caresee唯心思除左有經典口罩

1. 口罩將在1至7個工作天內寄出。
2. 購買滿500元以上即免運費。
3. 自取點:柴灣新業街6號安力工業中心5樓501室,辦公時間:星期一至五10:30-18:30
Tel ︰2976 9039
Whatsapp ︰9069 6039
Email ︰sales@vcareseev.com
【Vcaresee 3 Layers Medical Mask Lighten up Your Day】
Do you ever feel bored wearing blue mask every day?
V Caresee has not only classical face masks
but also different themes of face masks
Including Light Yellow, Cherry Pink, Elegant Purple, Warm Orange and also Coal Black
If you want to stay low
We even have coloured ear strap face masks
which could surely cater to your needs!
Click in our online store link to order: www.vcareseev.com

【Delivery Channel】:
- Face Masks would be delivered in 1-7 working days
- $500 or more purchases could enjoy free shipping
- In-person: Unit 501, Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip St Chai Wan, Hong Kong (Working hour: 10:30-18:30 from Monday to Friday)
We welcome corporates and customers to share your design ideas and/or collaborate with us. V Caresee can make your dream come true.
Feel free to contact us for further discussions.
Tel: 29769039
Whatsapp: 90696039
Email: sales@vcareseev.com