【V Caresee唯心思 限定復古四色全新組合】

V Caresee唯心思一直用心傾聽你哋嘅需求


現正推出 限定復古四色 單色裝及2色組合裝


如有任何爭議,V Caresee唯心思 保留最終決定權。

Tel︰2976 9039
Whatsapp︰9069 6039
#VCaresee唯心思 #Bantiore便利妥 #支持醫護 #香港口罩 #香港製造 #香港人加油 #抗疫口罩 #香港人抗疫 #三層醫護口罩 #3D口罩 #OEM #復古 #復古四色 #大地色 #優惠套裝
【V Caresee Limited Vintage-mix Brand New color set】
Many friends have asked us whether there will be other color sets
For our Limited Vintage-mix theme masks

V Caresee has always been sincerely listening to your desires

as we insist on bringing the best quality masks to all of you

So we are going to launch the Solo and Dual colour sets
for our Vintage-mixed themed face masks
Any 1/2 colour from our Vintage-mixed theme:
Maple Brown, Classical Yellow, Forest Green, Midnight Blue
You can now choose the colour for your 20pcs of purchase

So that you can wear along your favourite colour every day
Expressing yourself from different styles and angles

Our Online Store: https://bit.ly/3cJFKOs
Pictures are only for reference
With limited quantity while stock lasts
In case of any dispute, V Caresee will retain the rights to make the final decision.

We welcome corporates and customers to share your design ideas and/or collaborate with us. V Caresee can make your dream come true.
Feel free to contact us for further discussions.
Tel: 29769039
Whatsapp: 90696039
Email: sales@vcareseev.com