【V Caresee唯心思 每月精選優惠 第一彈】


所以今個月V Caresee唯心思特別為大家準備



1) 購買 任何便利妥口罩2盒
即送︰MINIONS系列 四層紙手帕 (18包裝) X1
MINIONS系列 三層紙面紙 (6包裝) X1
2) 購買任何Vcaresee唯心思 成人三層醫護口罩 30片/50片裝 2 盒
即送 ︰MINIONS系列 四層紙手帕 (18包裝) X1
MINIONS系列 三層紙面紙 (6包裝) X1
MINIONS系列 超迷你殺菌消毒濕紙巾 X1
如有任何爭議,V Caresee唯心思 保留最終決定權。

Tel︰2976 9039
Whatsapp︰9069 6039
#VCaresee唯心思 #Banitore便利妥 #支持醫護 #香港口罩 #香港製造 #香港人加油 #抗疫口罩 #香港人抗疫 #三層醫護口罩 #3D口罩 #OEM #MINIONS #小黃人 #迷你兵團 #優惠套裝
【V Caresee Monthly Special Offer - 1st Round】
Recently the weather in Hong Kong is very hot
whenever children went out and play

It is normal that they will be sweating a lot

So in this month V Caresee has prepared a special offer

We will giveaway Minions series paper handkerchief for every 2 boxes of face masks purchase !
By then, there will be no worries of playing under the sun

Discount content

1) Purchase ANY 2 boxes of Banitore Medical Masks
Free Giveaway︰
MINIONS series 4-Layers paper handkerchief (18 packs) X1
MINIONS series 3-Layers paper handkerchief (6 packs) X1
2) Purchase ANY 2 boxes of V Caresee Adult 3-Layers Medical Masks 30 pcs/50 pcs
Free Giveaway︰
MINIONS series 4-Layers paper handkerchief (18 packs) X1
MINIONS series 3-Layers paper handkerchief (6 packs) X1
MINIONS series Super Mini Anti-bacterial wet wipes X1
Make your order now﹕ www.vcareseev.com
The image is for reference only. All products are with limited quantity while stock lasts.
In case of any dispute, V Caresee retain the right to make the final decision.

We welcome corporates and customers to share your design ideas and/or collaborate with us. V Caresee can make your dream come true.
Feel free to contact us for further discussions.
Tel: 29769039
Whatsapp: 90696039
Email: sales@vcareseev.com
#VCaresee #Banitore #SupportMedics #HKMasks #MadeinHK #Antiepidemic #3layersMedicalMasks #3DMasks #OEM #MINIONS #DiscountedPackage #Vintagemix #Earthtone