【V Caresee唯心思口罩出貨喇!】


Tel ︰2976 9039
Whatsapp ︰9069 6039
Email ︰sales@vcareseev.com
#VCaresee唯心思 #香港口罩 #香港製造 #抗疫口罩 #成人口罩 #三層醫護口罩 #良心口罩 #美國標準ASTMLevel #EN14683TYPEIIR #醫療口罩 #香港人抗疫 #3D立體口罩
【V Caresee will be delivered soon!】
Thanks for all the supports to V Caresee! We are happy to announce that the face masks orders made previously on our online store will eventually arrive at the delivery channel you chose.

V Caresee online store: www.vcareseev.com

【Delivery Channel】:
- Face Masks would be delivered in 1-7 working days
- $500 or more purchases could enjoy free shipping
- In-person: Unit 501, Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip St Chai Wan, Hong Kong (Working hour: 10:30-18:30 from Monday to Friday)
We welcome corporates and customers to share your design ideas and/or collaborate with us. V Caresee can make your dream come true.
Feel free to contact us for further discussions.
Tel: 29769039
Whatsapp: 90696039
Email: sales@vcareseev.com