【V Caresee唯心思 x Banitore便利妥 博愛醫院慈善活動🎁❤️】
【V Caresee唯心思 x Banitore便利妥 博愛醫院慈善活動🎁❤️】
香港大大小小的醫療院舍扮演著不同的角色,他們均為市民提供最優質的服務,當中包括醫療和教育等,為的是給予人們一份保障並同時推動社區的可持續發展。醫療資源得來不易,製造一款合規格的醫療用口罩更是不容易,專業用心的研製才能給予醫護人員最好的保護。博愛醫院一直秉持著「博施濟眾,慈善仁愛」的精神服務市民,甚至為有需要人士提供免費醫療服務,其無私的精神十分值得敬佩。適逢博愛醫院今年101周年,V Caresee唯心思和Banitore便利妥希望能透過慈善捐贈口罩的方法,支持博愛醫院的工作。在疫情下也無憂地繼續服務香港市民,以合適的醫療資源提供予市民,回饋社會,甚至靈活分配各種資源,幫助更多有需要人士,令不同人士也能受惠。👥✅
現在全球口罩的標準不一,但是人們對於非醫療用途的口罩在抗疫方面有一定的要求,因為口罩己經成為全球人們的日常必須品,不論是上班工作的人們還是要落街買餸的家庭主婦,只要是出門便要配戴口罩。我們捐贈予博愛醫院的口罩不但符合國際標準的ASTM Level III 和歐盟最高標準Type IIR,BFE>98%,PFE>98%,就算市民長時間工作配戴也不會造成問題。我們衷心感謝各位醫護人員的付出和拼搏,願疫情能盡快緩和,不用再提心吊膽渡日。🥰
【V Caresee x Banitore Pok Oi Hospital Charitable Donation Event🎁❤️】
In Hong Kong, there is a wide range of hospitals playing different roles in the medical industry. They all aim to provide the best quality services to our citizens and patients. Their services include medical and educational fields. That is to provide citizens with a guarantee and at the same time push forward the sustainable development of society. Medical resources are scarce. To produce a well-qualified medical face mask is undoubtedly uneasy as we carefully inspect every detail when manufacturing the face masks. That is to provide the best protection and the most professional production to medics. Pok Oi Hospital has been lived with its motto of “We Love, We Care, We Serve” whenever providing services to citizens. They would even provide free-of-charge medical services to people in need so that a wider range of people could be benefited.

V Caresee and Banitore wish to support Pok Oi Hospital in a charitable way. By then, we could continuously provide suitable medical resources to local citizens so as to be beneficial to the society. We could flexibility allocate each resources we hold to give aid to more underprivileged people.👥✅

Nowadays, there are different production standards of face masks. However, for non-medical use face masks, people have certain requirements. That is because face masks have become a daily necessity around the globe. No matter people go to work or go downstairs to buy food for cooking, people have to wear masks. The series of face masks that we donated to Pok Oi Hospital meet the international standard of ASTM Level III and EU highest standard of Type IIR, BFE>98%, PFE>98%. Long working hours will not be problematic as our face masks are up to the highest standards. V Caresee wholeheartedly being thankful for the contribution and hard work of every one of medical personnel. We wish the epidemic would end eventually by then we do not need to live in fear.🥰